Have you ever wondered why people are the way they are? In my opinion, people are products of their environment. They way a person acts or reacts to any given situation at any given moment in time, shapes the way they act or react in the future to similar events.
Let me explain. I don't know if any of you have heard of The Stockholm Syndrome before or not but it has alot to do with that. I'm not a scientist or a psychiatrist and I don't claim to be, this is just my personal opinion, not medical fact.
The Stockholm Syndrome works very similar in the way that the Russian scientist Pavlov studied ringing a bell whenever he would feed dogs. He would ring a bell right before he would feed the dogs. The dogs would then become conditioned to believe that every time they would hear a bell, they would think they were getting a bowl of food, and they in turn would salivate at the sound of a bell, whether they were getting food or not. I don't know the exact origin of why they call it the Stockholm Syndrome, I think it has something to do with kidnapped or captured prisoners being kept in a cell in Sweden back in the 60's or 70's. Scientists ( and don't ask me why scientists just happen to be studying this ) after awhile discovered something oddly peculiar with this arrangement.
The prisoners, after a certain amount of time, would start to have sympathy for their captors. ( Now this is the part where I think the weird stuff comes in.) At the very peak of emotional stress, the point where the prisoners were traumatized so horribly by their captors is the exact point where a strange thing would happen. They would start to have not only sympathy for their captors, but sexual feelings.
They were hypnotized so to speak.
Anything that was a factor while the emotional traumatizing was taking place would come into play in the future, even if it was an unknown or unconscious & subliminal.
For example: If the prisoners were being punched and/or smacked in a room that had a red balloon in it, in the future, the prisoners could have a strange or funny feeling around red balloons, and not even be consciously aware of this fact. Just seeing a red balloon could send them into a panic....and they wouldn't even know why.
Long story short, this is how I think people become so weird, and they don't even know it. When they are growing up, they emotionally act and react to situations in their living environment, that affect them in their future adulthood lives.
Let's say a little girl growing up witnesses her father being drunk all the time, always coming home drunk and let's say even to the point of physical abuse. The little girl, depending on how she reacts to this, most likely will be traumatized emotionally to such a point and degree that she will start to have the Stockholm Syndrome effect her psychologically. It will even affect her developing sexuality in her opinion and choices in men. Later in life she is most likely (not always, but a high percentage) to marry a man similar to her father....a drunken, physically abusive man. Even her sexuality is affected....to the point where even a good and decent man who treats her the way a woman should be treated, will not interest her in any way. She will say that kind of man isn't her type or he was boring. Only a drunken and abusive man will sexually awaken her desires.
In my opinion, this Stockholm Syndrome works for any kind of psychological illness, any weirdness, any fetish, homosexual, S & M freak...blah blah blah.....every freakish behaviour can be explained when you look at the effects of the Stockholm Syndrome.
Even smoking is a way of being hypnotized and conditioned.
So this makes a good case about trying not to get emotionally upset at things.
I try and keep calm whenever I feel something starting to effect me emotionally....it may not work all the time, but at least I'm AWARE of the fact, when it is happening.
So now you know, when you see someone out there in the world who is a total freak....you at least know WHY they may be the way they are. But hey, this is only my opinion.
Why people are the way they are...my opinion
rebelliously yelled on
Saturday, January 12, 2008
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1 declarations of individual uniqueness:
Well written article.
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