Do you ever get just fed up with the portrayal of couples on television? or movies? even real life?
All these couples just walking around being happy, living thier lives all happy, you always see commercials with happy people and happy couples smiling and laughing like it was the greatest thing in the world to be in a relationship.
The one commercial that really pisses me off is the one diamond commercial, where the guy is in the middle of some Italian square, with hundreds of people around and he decides to scream at the top of his lungs "I LOVE THIS WOMAN!"
Give me a friggin' break, I just wanna puke.
....or the other diamond commercial where the guy asks his wife of twenty years to marry him again....and then she notices that her entire family is in the park with them...and that hubby had planned it in advance for everyone to be there....sheeeesh.
Do couples like this really exist in real life? If they do, I sure as hell have never seen them before....
....most couples that I do see are basically just living together, they really haven't got the energy or will to even continue with all the excitement as if thier relationships were fresh and new.
They basically just tell everyone they are happy, but they really secretly wish the other would just leave them alone or even drop off the face of the earth. They continue thier misery in the relationship because it would just be too uncomfortable to cause waves or speak up.
So these so called "happy" people in thier "happy " relationships become so bored and so comfortable, and since they don't want to cause any trouble or raise a ruckus to thier spouse that they may be unhappy,
.....they decide to maybe spice things up by flirting with a co-worker or maybe someone that they talk to online.
What causes a married person, or even just a person in a committed relationship, to convince themselves to finally take that step and to cheat on thier partner?
Something thier spouse might have said? or done? or even didn't do?
out of spite possibly?
When does the "love" leave in a relationship?
When does that person stop caring about you?
I have never understood nor will I ever understand why single people get involved with someone who is already married. They are just asking for trouble.
Can't they see the huge trust conflict when they are just "dating" the married person?
What makes them think that the married person would be faithful to them even if they did decide to leave thier partner?
Why would someone even knowingly flirt with someone who they know is married?
Yeah, I know, I'm a bitter, middle aged man who has a bleak outlook on love and relationships...maybe I AM jealous of relationships that are portrayed in movies and I hate how I have never experienced anything like true love in my entire life.
But for fucks sake, don't keep telling me I need to be in a relationship to be happy, when all you damn people in relationships won't even admit it to yourselves that you are miserable as hell.
I'm single.
I might not be happy, but I'm sure not miserable.
rebelliously yelled on
Saturday, January 12, 2008
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