Occurred : 11/11/2005 06:25 (Entered as : 11/11/05 06:25)
Reported: 11/11/2005 3:32:54 PM 15:32
Posted: 12/16/2005
Location: Mechanicsburg, OH
Shape: Light
Duration:2 minutes Pulsating, hovering white light.
I am not sure exactly as to what it is that I saw, but I thought that I should at least report it, in case someone else in the area had seen what I had seen.
I was driving north on Highway 4 towards Mechanicsburg, Ohio. I was on my way to work at ((deleted)) plant in Marysville, Ohio.
The time was about 6:25 AM.
I was about three miles out of town before I entered the city limits when I spotted a round light in the north east. I could also barely see the colors of the morning rising sun in the east, but the sun was still way below the horizon.
The light I seen was not a star. I am familiar with what the planet Venus looks like on certain mornings, and this light was not the planet Venus.
I'm not sure how far or close it was to me, but if I was to hold out my arm, the object would seem to be about the size of a pea between my fingers.
What caught my attention with this object is rather than having a flashing strobe light like most airplane lights, this light was pulsating. It faded in and then faded out continuously. ( the speed of the fading in and out was no faster the the second hand of a clock ticking away.) As far as I could tell, the light did not seem like it was moving in the sky, I can't be sure of this though as I was driving at the time of the sighting.
The color of the light was white. There was only one light, not two or three like an airplane.
I observed the pulsating light for about thirty seconds as I drove along the highway curves, the light occasionly was obscured by trees as I was driving, and when I came through the trees into another clear shot view of the sky the light wasn't there anymore.
I didn't think much of what I saw, telling myself maybe it was a helicopter light, as I am not familiar with helicopter lights...maybe they have just one light that pulsates and fades in and out.
About a minute or so later I spotted the light again in the same spot in the distance...although, this time the light was not pulsating. It was a constant white light, no fading in or out. It also appeared to be stationary and not moving....I asked myself what this could be and I tried to observe it as much as I could while driving and trying to keep my car on the highway.
I observed the light for about another thirty seconds while it was constantly "on".
I looked away just for a split second and then when I looked back the light had disappeared.I thought that maybe if it was a helicopter, it could have turned and the light would no longer be visible in my direction, but I closely observed the area where I had seen the light, and I did not see anything at all, no side view of a light, or no back view of an aircraft,it was as if the light had just disappeared into thin air.
I am not so sure what this light was, it may very well have been a helicopter.
Occurred : 11/14/2005 06:16 (Entered as : 11/14/05 06:16)
Reported: 11/14/2005 3:47:47 PM 15:47
Posted: 12/16/2005
Location: Mechanicsburg, OH
Shape: Light
Duration:15 seconds White light again spotted hovering in same location
I made a report about seeing this object on Friday morning, November 11th, 2005.
On Monday morning, November 14th, 2005 at approximately 6:15 AM, the same white light was again spotted on Highway 4 just a few miles out of Mechanicsburg, Ohio.
It was in almost the exact same location again and it was still appearing to hover in mid-air. I approached the object as I was driving in my car again and could see it quite some distance away behind the nearby trees.
I drove past the trees into the clearing where I could get a good view of the object.
When the object came into clear view I started to wonder if what I was looking at could possibly be a planet, because it was much too large to be a star. No sooner did I have this thought in my mind when the object quickly faded out (as if someone had quickly turned off a dimmer switch)
There were no clouds nearby in the sky that could have hidden this light.
The sighting only lasted for about 10 to 15 seconds this time, but what really bothered me about this particular sighting is that I had the feeling that this object knew that I was looking at it.
In my last report I suggested this light could possibly be a helicopter. I firmly believe at this time, that the light/object is not a helicopter. I don't know what the light is, but for some reason it seems to be hovering around this one particular spot in the country...as far as I can tell, there seems to be nothing but farms and fields in this area.
I'm reporting this sighting in case someone else in this area or other areas may have seen what I have seen.
I'm not sure what it is, but it just doesn't look like anything that I've seen in the sky before and it certainly doesn't act like any sort of familiar aircraft.
I reported this to the National UFO Reporting Center last November. As you can see, there are two reports. I seen the light twice that week. In the weeks following I have seen the lights numerous times. Every couple of days or so. I've seen the lights so many times now, I have lost count.
When spring started to arrive and the sun would come up earlier and earlier each day, the sightings decreased. I haven't seen the lights since before springtime now.
I made the mistake of telling my coworkers about what I have seen.
They did nothing but ridicule & humiliate me....and they still do to this very day. It's nothing but a joke to them.
I find it hard to believe that in this day and age people are still considered wackos when they reveal to people that they have had a sighting.
I suggest that if you have had a sighting, past or present, that you should report it to The National UFO Reprting Center, but try your best NOT to reveal it to your friends or family unless you are absolutely positive that they will understand.
My UFO sighting reports to the National UFO Reporting Center
rebelliously yelled on
Saturday, January 12, 2008
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